Wednesday, September 25, 2013

When Nature roars... go to her, immerse in her, commune and connect

After such a tumultuous 2 weeks energetically, with the flash floods in Colorado and the fall equinox, all my mind body and spirit is asking for is nature.  Around the globe, the power of autumn spins, earthquakes in Peru, hurricanes in Mexico.

So, today I went to the nearest mountain trail, and began to walk, and noticed how my nervous system began to slow down, began to equilibriate with the pulse of Mother Nature.

I noticed the magpies, and the chicharras, and the cottonwoods and the grass and mountain mahogany.
I didn't make it to the forest but I was yearning for the blanket of chi energy that woods and trees offer.
When we live within sight of power lines, cars, roads, stores, electric lights, it throws off our connection to the pulse of the Earth.

Getting amongst only natural living beings without the buzz of electronics and machinery is so healing, grounding, recharging.

Merely an hour spent can be so rejuvenating and fill the energetic reservoirs.

To live within distance of a forest is so priceless, or otherwise a body of water, and just as great, a garden that you can step into and touch and tend.

Now it is harvest time, and the wind is blowing harder and we are asked to cut and mow and scratch the Earth.  Get ready to put it to bed when the frosts come thicker and heavier, just a month or two more of garden cultivating.

Now is time for pumpkins, apples, berries roots, to ground us and bring us inside ourselves to our own roots.  The season of fruits is coming to a close.  The season of sun is coming to a close.  As much as we are in denial that summer is over, it is a necessary part of the cycle.  To evaluate what has passed, how we have grown, how we have reached and spread and blossomed over the summer.  What we may have overlooked and been distracted by, in our furious sun dancing, and what we were right on to encourage in our lives, and boost and propel forward.  What friendships blossomed, and which ones disappeared? Which ones are just taking new roots?  As the seasons pass, the people in our life take on different importance and center stage.  Be compassionate to all those in your life, for they may have strengths in different seasons, and knowing them all year is worth the ups and downs, and this brings friendship to a deeper level.  Some may have been summer birds that are flying south, and not meant to go through winter with you.  Some may be the butterflies that drink your nectar, and others may be the compliment to you that help you plant your seeds for next year, perennial friends.

But if you are feeling blown about, ungrounded, imbalanced even in the tiniest way, go to Mother Nature.  Walk in her fields, among her strong rooted trees, dip your feet in her cold streams.  In her are the answers to our past, present and future.  She has the pulse to follow, the rhythm that will set your soul at ease, and let your mind take the right direction.  Let the cloudy thoughts float by just as the clouds do in the sky.  Do not carry them with you inside, they are merely passing weather.  But your blood, your bones, can be calmed like the elements in harmony, and let you sleep at night with dreams.

Write down your dreams, waking and sleeping.  Be in touch with your subconscious.  Fall and Winter are the times to go to the subconscious level and bridge it with the conscious mind.  We can remember and be aware of so much more than we think.  We are just a few degrees away from enlightenment.

This lifetime, connect, silence, bliss.

And remember to drink your heart juice every day.
