Monday, December 9, 2013

It's not about the form.

More importantly is the mind, the spirit within the form.

If a woman is young a beautiful or old and decrepit, one should not judge based on her form.

If a baby can speak or a baby is speechless and needy, the same due respect for that being must persist.

Respect for all life, human and otherwise is a way to take care of our whole interconnected life network and as a result you take care of yourself.

When it is hard, difficult or uneasy to have respect for a being, examine and see why.

And still respect with your heart and mind.

When our thinking is clear and thoughts of judgement do not arise, we are awakened.

First begin by not speaking your judgements and soon you will not think them either.

This life is fleeting, do not waste this precious moment to scorn another in your mind.

Give thanks for all around you.  See the hope and the possibility in every moment.

Lean to the positive. And the positive will lean towards you.

Take courageous action.  When challenge and difficulty arises, see that this is the worlds way of having all kinds of energies, and rise above them with strength, bravery, all seeing that what you want and know lies ahead, above.  Reach that space of possibility.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.