Thursday, May 30, 2013

What matters most in life is creating lasting bonds with those in your life.
This involves creating healthy boundaries and making wise choices about who to surround yourself with.
Does your closest friend make you feel neutral after time spent together, drained, or renewed?  That is a good marker as to how healthy of a bond it is.
Do not fret over people's flaws, faults, or downright negativity, just choose to not engage and hold your space in joy and cheer.  Easier said than done, but it is a daily practice that forms habits.  Healthy habits are the ones we are shooting for.

Now, back to the place of what matters most in life- create lasting bonds with those you love and cherish.

Not only do you want to take into account how you feel when you leave one of those loved ones' company, you now want to also put the focus on them and their well being.  Sincere compassion really creates goodness and kindness in you.  Reach and strive for that.  How can you put yourself in your best friend's shoes even when what they are telling you is far from anything you have ever felt, thought, or did?  Delve into the feelings they are expressing, and don't be afraid to ask, "Did I get that right?" when making an empathizing remark.  How can you make your acquaintances feel renewed after sharing your company?

Communication is a fountain of gold.  It is the work that we do as human beings with the large brains.  That is what we have evolved into being, owning the mental capacity to be communicative, responsive, compassionate, loving.  Live our evolution and continue to evolve.  Communicate by asking questions, getting to the heart of the matter, being HONEST, being kind, being compassionate.

Reap the benefits of drinking your heart juice.  Create smile wrinkles rather than scowl wrinkles.  Or don't wrinkle at all because all your expressions are like yoga for your face and you embrace them all!

Be a friend, Make a friend, Keep a friend, Re-unite with a friend.

Juice it baby!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Like Mother Teresa says, When you want to show you care, pick up a broom

Some days are more driven than others.  If you haven't the chance to make it to the errands you had in mind across the town driving in and out of traffic, and opted to stay in, you can always make it a productive day by doing some work in the yard.  

Getting in touch with nature, hands in the dirt, sweat dripping from the forehead, is a natural way to reconnect.  It also happens to be one of the most available sources of chi energy.  If you don't live near any mountains or bodies of water, a fertile garden is also a great place to recycle your old energy out of your feet and hands and receive new energy through those same doorways.  

Its a meditation in movement.  If you're saying you don't have a green thumb or don't have the fertile soil to work with.  Planting herbs or flowers indoors or on a patio or balcony will work just as well.  This week we made a new clothesline in the back yard, and I broke the ground for a garden today.  It felt so necessary, having had the space in the backyard to work with.  My ecological clock was really ticking and every time I looked outside at the sun shining and warming the Earth, I knew I must give back to the space- plant and hang clothes- rather than utilize energy-consuming appliances like dryers in the middle of a warm spring.  

Be the change in your neighborhood, get out and smile and say hello to the Earth, to the birds, to the trees, and give thanks that you are healthy enough to use your hands and body to do the work.  Say hello and smile to your neighbors, it's okay if you haven't in many years, today you can start! 

We all benefit from having a sense of community and somewhere down the line you might feel assured knowing that your neighbors are looking out for your home when you are not there.  

So, expand yourselves- as the trees and branches and flowers do while they bloom and spread their reaches, you can too...

Plant an herb, say hello to your neighbors, hey even plan a block party this summer!
Reach further than what is comfortable.  Enjoy the difference.  And feel quenched from that daily heart juice!!  


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Every morning I wake up feeling like the day is full of possibilities.
It is nice to keep a soft voice and be gentle with your movements first thing in the morning.  Just like you would if someone were still sleeping in the house.  It is you, and your energy field will appreciate the tenderness and care you take in beginning your day.
Now that my son is in my life, my morning meditation usually includes some yoga stretches right in bed!  Or in the playroom down the hall which also defaults as a yoga practice room.  We do simple things like downward dog, upward dog, butterfly, turtle, happy baby, and bridge, some poses he has been doing since he was just a baby!  And now he still is a happy toddler!

Everything about the morning seems sacred.  Just baking the bed, opening the curtains and pulling back the shades just feels like a ritual.  I like to honor the space that I call home including the bedroom where dreams come!  Clearing any stagnant chi or piles of things before you leave the room can really clear your mind and make you ready to step out into your day with good energy!

Choose a smile, a good morning, as your first words to those who you share a space with.  There will be time to talk after those simple, but sweet gestures!

Have a great morning every morning, and the day will be off to a sweeter start!